It’s fun to be immersed in other people’s long lives once
My new company, Concord River Publishing, recently signed on
to write a community memoir at a nursing home in Newburyport. Last week I did
the interviews – twenty in all – and this week I’m drafting the stories.
It’s my second full-scale community memoir, and I wondered
as I approached the project if the stories might start to sound familiar. Last
year I wrote about 47 people in their eighties and nineties at a continuing
care community in Bedford; now I’m talking with twenty people at a very similar
facility on the North Shore. Demographically, the two groups have much in
common: their age, their educational and professional backgrounds, their
predominantly East Coast roots.
But as I dove into the interviews, I was reminded once again
of how no two stories end up being alike. This set of seniors includes military
veterans and scientists, professors and doctors, homemakers and gardeners and
boaters, people widowed young and couples celebrating sixty or more years of
marriage. Some had children and some didn’t; some lost children.
So yes, of course there are commonalities. But just as each
participant has a different name and face and history, each story manifests
differently, because people recall different details from their lives, impute
importance to different aspects of their experiences, and react to twists of
fate with different attitudes.
It’s only our second project, but I don’t anticipate this
work ever growing dull. “Everyone has a story to tell,” my colleagues and I say
when we approach potential clients. And perhaps this task on which I’ve set out
is a little like collecting snowflakes. Many are similar….and yet each is
ultimately unique. My mission is to catch each story like a snowflake and
examine it until I can extract the essence of how it is different from every
single other story out there.
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